AAUW National News


4 Tips to Negotiating for the Salary and Benefits You’re Worth

At AAUW we’re moving the needle on the gender pay gap through our innovative research, powerful advocacy, and salary negotiation programs for women across the country. You can sign up for a workshop near you, but in the meantime here are four tips for you. Ready to get paid what you’re worth? Follow these four steps to successfully negotiate your salary and benefits package. Read more.

Apply for AAUW’s Fellowships and Grants Today!

2014-2015 AAUW International Fellow Petreena Campbell pursued her Ph.D. in Pharmacology.

AAUW has a long and distinguished history of advancing educational and professional opportunities for women in the United States and around the globe. Follow in the footsteps of award-winning authors, scientists, scholars, and change makers. Apply today!

Stay Up To Date With AAUW’s NEW Advocacy Tool

Faces of Student Debt

Deeper in Debt Student Debt Crisis

(Photo credit: COD Newsroom)

AAUW’s new research report Deeper In Debt has shown that women bare a disproportionate amount of student debt. These six women invested in themselves and their future by pursuing higher education. But those degrees came at large price. Read more.

Three Musts for Intersectional Feminism

Younger Women’s Task Force - Greater Lafayette ChapterIntersectional feminism is to acknowledge multiple overlapping social identities and related systems of oppression. So, while we may want to work under the umbrella term “women,” there is not one global women’s experience. Here are three ways to make sure that your feminism is intersectional. Read more.

Give a Grad a Gift

Do you know any new college graduates? What better gift can you give than a FREE one-year AAUW membership! As an AAUW member you have the power to gift ANY number of free one-year AAUW memberships to recent college graduates. Give one, give 100, or give 1,000! Don’t let this opportunity pass you by.
Read more.


Most women have to deal with sexism in their daily life, be it social control, gender discrimination, harassment, misogynist sarcasm, rape culture etc. Unfortunately, instead of fighting back, we were taught that these are non-significant incidents, accidental encounters, harmless jokes or worse that it was our fault. We need more people, not just women, to stand up against sexism for what is right when they witness such discrimination.
Share 5 simple ways you can #standuptosexism and join the movement.
Download AAUW’s #StandUptoSexism Discussion Guide.

AAUW Reacts to Trump Rescinding Transgender Guidance

The Trump administration rescinded Obama administration’s guidance directing schools to allow transgender students to use bathrooms that match their gender identity. As a strong supporter of Title IX rights, AAUW stands for the civil rights protections of transgender students.

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The Ultimate Guide for Outstanding AAUW Graduates

How can you strengthen your bond with AAUW after graduation?

Your opportunities are limitless at AAUW. More than 170,000 members and supporters are eager to help you continue your education or get into the workforce.

Stay connected and make a difference.

Run Like a Girl

Image citation:Photo via By Duell, Sloan & Pearce Public Domain/Wikimedia Commons

Women have been running for president of the United States since 1872 — before women even had the right to vote.

This year, two high-profile women entered the race, and Hillary Clinton has now become the first female presidential nominee of a major political party.

Here are some of the women who have tried to crack the ultimate glass ceiling.